
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Budgeting and blessings

Every time I sit down to do our budget, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the help we receive. I know not everyone has these specific blessings. Not everyone can make ends meet. I'm not bragging... I'm thanking.

Of course, there is my job at the university. It is something I love doing and I am struggling to realize that in a few short months, with the approach of summer, my job will be finished. There are also our amazing parents. From insurances of all kinds, to presents and gifts, and help with the little things, they are such a blessing. Although we look forward to the day when we are completely independent, right now we feel that a little financial help from our parents is a good thing.

Finally, there is my Grandma, Bubbi. She passed away many years ago. In fact I think she has been gone from my life longer than she was physically in it. But, she set up a trust fund to help her grandchildren get through school. Not only has it provided current security, but also a comforting feeling that there are fewer student loans to pay off in the end.

So, "thank you" for all of your help.

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