
Friday, May 4, 2012

Let's talk about self-perception

What do you see what you look in the mirror? If you're like many people you may see a distorted view of what is actually there: a beautiful, powerful and worthwhile person that really can make a difference? After running into too many girls who think they are too fat, too thin, they have too much emotional baggage that no one would like them... sound familiar to anyone one? Women are likely to be critical of themselves and it makes sense. The adversary has to work very hard to make us feel less than we are because that can affect the relationships we have with are families (current and future).

I've been on a Princess Diaries kick lately and I've decided that this movie is a lot about self-perception. Stay with me, I promise this is going somewhere. At one point, the Queen tells Mia: "Many people think being a princess means always looking pretty,being perfect, marrying a prince charming and live happily ever after ; but it`s not. it`s something much more than that. It's a real job." Sometimes, we think life is about being perfect. Not necessarily in the eyes on God (this should be our goal) but in the eyes of the world. Sarah Burge spent $774,400 on plastic surgery in order to look like a barbie doll. But Sarah, and the rest of us are wrong. Instead, I think we should focus on what God wants for us. This doesn't mean we throw looking beautiful out the window. Look at the world around us. Beautiful sunsets, sunrises, flowers and streams. We are his crowning creation. Should we not then, strive to be beautiful in His eyes?

Okay, one more Princess Diaries quote: "She was never normal. She was born royal." THIS IS US! We have never been normal. We are sons and daughters of the Supreme Creator. President Uchtdorf said it well: "No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love." We are known by Him, therefore the lies that say we will never be good enough or that we are not beautiful enough are just that: lies. Now, we can embrace the truth of our divine potential and move forward to accomplish not only our earthly goals, but our eternal goals. 

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Let's DO talk about self-perception! I love this post. It is my goal to put forth every effort to raise my kids to understand their worth. They need not cheapen themselves or settle.